To illuminate a path forward so that we ignite transformation!
" The real work starts with personal mastery — the small, daily optimizations that, when done consistently over time, lead to stunning results. "

Michael Nila
Founder, Blue Courage, LLC
What is Blue Courage?
Blue Courage is a transformational process that focuses on the human development of police/corrections/detention officers.
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Join the movement by donating to the Blue Courage Fund
Partnering with the Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley, the Blue Courage Fund was established to support the mission of the Blue Courage’s charitable work in promoting resilience, health and wellness, personal leadership, moral courage and a commitment to purpose driven policing. Through education, training, and consulting services, Blue Courage will develop and support programs and projects that enhance the art of leadership, learning, science and the biology of resilience all while instilling a deep sense of purpose leading to positive engagement with the community. Funds raised will support training to individuals and organizations, i.e. law enforcement, public safety, corrections/detention and other government and community-based organizations who cannot financially support the training without assistance.
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