Inclusive Leadership
What is Inclusive Leadership?
Inclusive Leadership focuses on: Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership, and Team Building. The team has worked with a vast range of clients, including top corporations world wide, military, law enforcement, government and educational institutions. We are passionate about delivering dynamic, innovative, relevant, cutting edge solutions that transform hearts and minds while producing immediate and sustaining results.

Formed by Michael Nila, who has over 30 years of experience designing and delivering transformative education, we are an experienced team of professionals and educators who will engage client organizations as partners to effectively meet organizational needs and customize solutions based on desired outcomes. We are experts at the design and delivery of world-class, dynamic, engaging, and innovative presentations, ranging from keynotes to multi-day workshops and train the trainer certifications.
Our passion shines when engaging any organization seeking leadership or diversity/inclusion education or seeking to improve performance, enhance productivity, teamwork, morale, accountability, and engagement, or culture change.
Available Classes
Intro to Inclusive Leadership
21st Century diversity is about mission readiness, building trust, strengthening relationships, developing talent and creating high-performance team members and leaders. Our 1-day Introduction to Inclusive Leadership course is differentiated by its principle-based approach, focusing on leadership development, personal integrity and accountability. Dynamic classroom and experiential learning activities will challenge participants individually, as well as the group as a whole. Participants will learn the expanding meaning and effects of diversity and inclusion, while gathering information that will help them to connect their personal belief systems and goals to the objectives to the organization.
Key Learning Points –
- Comfort Zones
- Embracing Change
- What is Diversity and Inclusion?
- Why Diversity and Inclusion is Important
- Demographic Changes
- Impact of Stereotypes in the Workplace
- Personal Leadership
- The Road to Respect
Each 8-hour class can be customized to fit the needs of the organization.
Inclusive Leadership for Public Safety
Inclusive Leadership and Diversity is an intensive, experiential learning based educational experience for law enforcement and government officials. This course is for organizations committed to developing and maintaining an inclusive internal and external culture that embraces diversity and inclusion to ensure all employees are empowered to bring their unique talents and best efforts in service to their organization and the citizens they serve. Inclusive leadership is an effective, practical response to the emerging emphasis on Legitimacy and Procedural Justice, all while placing emphasis on the nobility of the civil servant in a democratic society.
Our passion shines when engaging any organization seeking leadership or diversity/inclusion education or seeking to improve performance, enhance productivity, teamwork, morale, accountability, and engagement, or culture change.
3 Day Inclusive Leadership Workshop
Our 3-day Inclusive Leadership: The Core of a Champion course is “life transforming.” Hundreds of clients across the country, including Fortune 500 companies, higher education, military and government entities, have experienced the journey. This is not just another diversity class; it is a journey of discovery and learning that prepares one for success in a 21st century’s rapidly changing environment.
This workshop is designed to develop Inclusive Leaders (organizational diversity and inclusion advocates). It blends principles of leadership, high performance teams and diversity learning. The course focuses on shifting belief systems through dynamic classroom learning and powerful interactive, experiential learning processes. Participants will learn in an energetic, highly interactive session, which will challenge and enable them to expand their diversity and inclusion philosophy, and effectively model it to others. Participants learn through experience, in depth dialogue and debate, self-reflection and journaling.
Key Learning Points –
- Defining Diversity & Inclusion
- Why Diversity & Inclusion is Important
- The Road to Respect
- The Importance of Trust
- Valuing Others (Growth and Change)
- The Effect of Stereotypes
- Defining Inclusive Leadership
- Developing Awareness
- Belief Systems
- Developing Personal Leadership
- Leading High Performance Teams
- Returning to the Work Environment
Yes, it is about understanding, embracing and championing diversity and inclusion; but it is so much more. It is about personal effectiveness, leadership development, relationships and developing high-performance teams. This class is an unforgettable experience of growth, reflection and commitment. While many organizations offer diversity or leadership courses, very few combine both into one course. And we have never seen a course in 20 plus years of teaching diversity and inclusion incorporate all the above listed elements into one impactful learning experience. It is for that reason, coupled with the innovative, dynamic, engaging teaching methodologies that the process for many is transformational and, for all, a life-long remembered experience.
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