Dhri Crusade – Day 8 – Amplification
Crusade = a determined attempt to achieve a strong belief in a noble cause
September 23, 2019
Today’s Theme:
Colour Blue, 16 Lotus Petals, Element Ether, Sense of Hearing
Expression: voice, communication, permission, empowerment, expansion, development
Mantra HAM/HUM
Affirmation I SPEAK
Day 8 theme: Amplification
- Behaviors, habits, hopes, wisdom, knowledge that need to be amplified to expand my capacity in all dimensions: heart, mind, body, spirit
- We can break any cycle that has brought us to this moment.
Today the Dhri Crusade team started our morning with meditation and yoga with the Himalayan foothills set as our backdrop. We then visited the ashram that the Beatles stayed at. It was a very interesting and beautiful visit inside a spiritual environment. Butterflies fluttered everywhere as monkeys played in the treetops above. One couldn’t help but fade in and out of history as we walked through the halls of the unkept, overgrown structure.David met a police officer from this region and presented him a challenge coin from his department, the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office.
Upon leaving the ashram, we walked back into Rishikesh along the Ganges river, stopping along the way to dip our feet in the cold water.
Below is some of the learning we gained today.
You have to discover the true self. If you’re in denial you will never become the person you want to be – you can’t self actualize and evolve. Science proves the only nourishing things to do is to start the day in nature and mediation in the first 30 minutes of the day. Not on your phone or watching the news.
States of Consciousness
- Cosmic consciousness – witnessing awareness
- Devine consciousness – you see god in everything
- Unity consciousness- connect and see the unity everywhere.
- Atma Darshan – glimpse in your soul. What you see when you meditate. Sometimes it feels uncomfortable and fidgety and angry but sometimes it’s peaceful and pleasant.
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