Learn, Share, Grow – 3 Ways Meditation Boosts Your Focus

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Below is a lesson from on how meditation and mindfulness helps to improve your focus, as well as our key learning.

The Blue Courage team is dedicated to continual learning and growth.  We have adopted a concept from Simon Sinek’s Start With Why team called “Learn, Share, Grow”.  We are constantly finding great articles, videos, and readings that have so much learning.  As we learn new and great things, this new knowledge should be shared for everyone to then grow from.

Three Ways Meditation Boosts Your Focus

When we multitask, our concentration levels deplete. Taking 10 minutes to meditate could help keep you focused, Daniel Goleman explains in this video from BigThink.


You’re in the middle of working on a project, when all of the sudden… your phone rings. Long after you’ve wrapped up the call, you’re surfing social media, and checking up on texts. When you finally summon your attention back to your work, you don’t have any of the concentration you had before.

Sound familiar? That’s because the brain isn’t wired to multitask, says psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman. In this video from BigThink, Goleman talks about how the brain is unable to work on parallel tasks at once, instead switching rapidly from one thing to the next. As a result, our concentration levels drop each time we attempt to come back to a task.

| Our concentration levels drop each time we attempt to come back to a task.

Continue reading here.

Key Learnings:

  • The brain isn’t wired to multitask
  • The brain is unable to work on parallel tasks at once, instead switching rapidly from one thing to the next. As a result, our concentration levels drop each time we attempt to come back to a task
  • Researchers are finding that as little as 10 minutes of meditation a day can help our focus and concentration.
  • Three ways meditation improves mental focus
    • You’re better able to bounce back from distractions. Goleman says bringing attention back to the breath each time you feel your mind wandering during meditation helps strengthen the brain’s neural circuitry for focus
    • You can tame the stress reaction. Those who meditate have a better reaction to stress
    • It helps with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Researchers found that a classroom of children with special needs, including ADD, became calmer and more focused when they learned a simple breathing practice.


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