Learn, Share, Grow – Highly Courageous Leaders

learn share grow

Below is a lesson from on the 7 contagious attributes of highly courageous leaders, as well as our key learning.

The Blue Courage team is dedicated to continual learning and growth.  We have adopted a concept from Simon Sinek’s Start With Why team called “Learn, Share, Grow”.  We are constantly finding great articles, videos, and readings that have so much learning.  As we learn new and great things, this new knowledge should be shared for everyone to then grow from.


7 Contagious Attributes of Highly Courageous Leaders

Jim McNeff, editor-in-chief, Law Enforcement Today

Contagious attributes of courageous leaders do not happen by accident. To effectively influence others, the person “in charge” needs to be intentional on two fronts: achieving goals AND breathing life into people that make the end result possible.

I refer to these attributes as contagious, because anyone following a leader that practices these values will regenerate them within the organization. Moreover, the leader who applies the principles outlined below is courageous because this is a narrow path and it’s hard to traverse.

You will notice that I’ve chosen terms beginning with the letter “c.” While my aspiration is to be creative, more importantly, I want these words to be memorable.

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Key Learnings (There are 8 attributes):

  • The person “in charge” needs to be intentional on 2 fronts: achieving goals and breathing life into people that make the end result possible.
  • Attributes are contagious: anyone following a leader that practices these values will regenerate them within the organization.
  • Courageous: this is a narrow path and it’s hard to traverse.
  • The attributes of courageous leaders:
    • Competence – incompetent leaders cannot reasonably articulate how and why certain tasks are accomplished. The person unable to explain these issues will never withstand political pressure – he/she has no reserves to fall back on.
    • Confidence – gained by understanding how basic tasks fit into the “big picture.” Once pure confidence is gained it can be instilled in others through affirmation.
    • Counseling – offer counseling where appropriate so clear thinking and direction results in wise decisions being made. Be available to guidance from other people who might know more than you.
    • Compassion – if we remember that we are leading people (not just work) we will be well ahead of the game.
    • Correction – approving errors and shortcuts for the sake of convenience or making friends will be mocked and will be self-destructive for the people involved and possibly the organization.
    • Celebration – institute a workplace of celebrating and honoring achievements. Celebrating good work is only limited by your own creativity.
    • Challenging – it’s human nature for most people to do just enough to get by.  Therefore, issue a challenge that is realistic, but will raise the bar for those who desire to provide the minimum effort.
    • Consistency – the boss whose disposition is all over the place will also handle a problem like it’s a live grenade. People want to know whom they are working for, so fine your lane and do your best to stay there.  People want to be assured they are treated fairly.  The effective leader will remove personalities when handling preferences and problems.

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